
We are proud of all our projects, but this one certainly occupies a special place in our hearts. It's about the work on branding, interior design and wayfinding for the Warsaw office of Boehringer Ingelheim. In 2022, we embarked on our most ambitious journey – a comprehensive branding and wayfinding project for Boehringer Ingelheim.
The project was initiated by the creation of an architectural masterpiece by Zofia Hejduk from Hejduk Architekci. Based on it, Łukasz Langda from Badura Works developed a creative concept, and Szymon Badura managed the project from idea to implementation. At a later stage the reliable Studio Kombinat turned our ideas into reality. What distinguished this project was the exceptional openness to the ideas of our art director and the trust of our client - Boehringer Ingelheim. Their proactive approach, artistic sense and deep understanding of the project facilitated the whole process and resulted in a spectacular effect.


client: Boehringer Ingelheim
location: Moje Miejsce, Warsaw
year: 2022
area: 1100,40 m2
campaign type: space branding, wayfinding
scope of work:
branding concept development, entrance & room signage, lockers & desk signage, kitchen cupboard signage, “timeline” infographic, pattern on the glass walls, 16 original collages for large-format wallpaper in conference rooms, 3 collages as framed graphics, 21 framed ‘fun facts’, customized map of the office, production, implementation